Our Scholarships
Artisans supports both the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for the Visual Arts and the Lee Dodge Scholarship for the Performing Arts. These scholarships are presented annually to recipients chosen by the Women's Committee of Fine Arts of Mount Dora from among local High School applicants.
The mission of the Women's Committee of Fine Arts is to encourage the appreciation and enrichment of music, art, drama and dance in Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares and Umatilla.
Their fundraising efforts support the development and continuing education of local high school students through scholarships in the arts.
The Women's Committee of Fine Arts awards scholarships to students in the performing and visual arts.
Please visit the link below to learn how to apply for a scholarship.
The mission of the Women's Committee of Fine Arts is to encourage the appreciation and enrichment of music, art, drama and dance in Mount Dora, Eustis, Tavares and Umatilla.
Their fundraising efforts support the development and continuing education of local high school students through scholarships in the arts.
The Women's Committee of Fine Arts awards scholarships to students in the performing and visual arts.
Please visit the link below to learn how to apply for a scholarship.
Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for the Visual Arts
The Marilyn Dodge Scholarship was established in 2012, to honor Marilyn, who passed away in September, 2012. Marilyn was a founding artist Associate at Artisans on fifth and was an absolutely wonderful lady. She was a very talented artist who specialized in beautiful jewelry creations and was well known for her lovely antique silverware bracelets. Marilyn had a heart of gold and was always willing to volunteer "above and beyond the call of duty". She had a great sense of humor, was a joy to be with and will be remembered for her zest for life.
Artisans on fifth pays tribute to Marilyn's memory by making a donation annually to the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship Fund. The family of Marilyn Dodge also contributes to this fund. |
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Lee Dodge Scholarship for the Performing Arts
Lee Dodge was Marilyn Dodge's husband. Both were advocates for the visual and performing arts.
When Lee Dodge passed away on April 9, 2017, the Lee Dodge Scholarship for the Performing Arts was established for a Performing Arts student. Artisans on fifth is proud to accept the $1,000 annual donation from the Lee Dodge family for this scholarship. |
2022 Scholarship Winners

In 2022 the Marilyn Dodge visual arts scholarship was awarded to Zoe Christ for clay sculpture. Zoe goes to Tavares High School.
The Lee Dodge performing arts scholarship was awarded to Jordan Parker who plays the piano and attends Eustis High School.
Artisans and the Dodge family contribute to these scholarships which we hope will help these artists further their arts educations.
The Lee Dodge performing arts scholarship was awarded to Jordan Parker who plays the piano and attends Eustis High School.
Artisans and the Dodge family contribute to these scholarships which we hope will help these artists further their arts educations.
2021 Scholarship Winners
The winners of the 2021 Marilyn and Lee Dodge Scholarships are Paige Richardson and Gavin Shore.
Paige Richardson, a drawing and painting student from Mount Dora High School won the Marylin Dodge Scholarship for visual arts.
Gavin Shore won the Lee Dodge scholarship for performance arts. He is also a student from Mount Dora High School.
We are very proud of our local High School students and wish them all the best in your future!
Paige Richardson, a drawing and painting student from Mount Dora High School won the Marylin Dodge Scholarship for visual arts.
Gavin Shore won the Lee Dodge scholarship for performance arts. He is also a student from Mount Dora High School.
We are very proud of our local High School students and wish them all the best in your future!
2020 Scholarship Winners
The Winners for 2020 Scholarships are Giselle Torres from Umatilla High School and Cynthia Shard from Eustis High School.
Giselle won the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for Visual Arts, she has participated in our Bra-Vo events the last four years, and our Student Exhibit.
She is heading to Savannah College of Art and Design.
Cynthia is our Lee Dodge Scholarship for Performing Arts winner, she plays trumpet and is also a gifted vocalist.
We are very happy for both of you and wish all the best in your artistic path!!!
Giselle won the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for Visual Arts, she has participated in our Bra-Vo events the last four years, and our Student Exhibit.
She is heading to Savannah College of Art and Design.
Cynthia is our Lee Dodge Scholarship for Performing Arts winner, she plays trumpet and is also a gifted vocalist.
We are very happy for both of you and wish all the best in your artistic path!!!
2019 Scholarship Award Winners
Trevor Matthew Gehman, a trumpet player from Eustis High School, was awarded the Lee Dodge Scholarship for Performing Arts in May 2019. Luyi Ye, a multi-media artist from Mount Dora Christian Academy, was awarded the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for Visual Arts.
2018 Scholarship Award Winners
In May, 2018, Artisans on fifth presented two scholarship awards at the Women's Committee of Fine Arts luncheon. John White received the $1,000 Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for Visual Arts. Half of this scholarship is provided by the family of Marilyn Dodge, and half of it comes from Artisans on fifth artists. The second scholarship was for $1,200 and was awarded to Casey Marden. This is the Lee Dodge Scholarship for Performing Arts that is provided by Lee Dodge's family and presented by Artisans on fifth. These awards were presented by Heather Glennon Hopcraft for Artisans on fifth.
2016 Scholarship Award

Joyce Brady, Karen Hampton, Lee Dodge (the late Marilyn Dodge's husband), and Sue Cannon attended the Mt. Dora Women's Committee of Fine Arts luncheon May 13, 2016 to see our Marilyn Dodge scholarship awarded. There was a visual art display and musical performances. Sue Cannon said "It is always so inspiring to see what these brilliant young people can do."
This year instead of awarding our money to a single artist, the Women’s Club decided to merge all the money and give it to all the students together. Each one received $1,000. There were 8 music winners and 8 visual art winners. All were from Mt. Dora, Eustis, Tavares, and Mt. Dora Christian Academy High Schools.
The printed program had a special note on the back cover: A special recognition to Artisans on fifth for their continuous support of our scholarship program.
This year instead of awarding our money to a single artist, the Women’s Club decided to merge all the money and give it to all the students together. Each one received $1,000. There were 8 music winners and 8 visual art winners. All were from Mt. Dora, Eustis, Tavares, and Mt. Dora Christian Academy High Schools.
The printed program had a special note on the back cover: A special recognition to Artisans on fifth for their continuous support of our scholarship program.
Candice Koolhaas Wins 2015 Scholarship

Candice Koolhaas was the winner of the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for 2015 in Visual Arts. The Women's Committee of Fine Arts presented their scholarships at the "Scholarship Award performance" in May 2015.
Hannah Austin Wins 2014 Scholarship

Hannah Austin was the winner of the Marilyn Dodge Scholarship for 2014 in Visual Arts. The Women's Committee of Fine Arts presented their scholarships at the "Scholarship Award performance" on May 3, 2014.
Hannah is a Junior at Mount Dora High School and will be using her scholarship money to attend a workshop at Savannah College of Art and Design this summer.
Hannah is a Junior at Mount Dora High School and will be using her scholarship money to attend a workshop at Savannah College of Art and Design this summer.